Home of Swiftrun's Volcan Masaya, (8x) IPO III, PSA-PDC, CD, RN, WAC, CGC
2011& 2012 UDC National IPO Champion
High Tracking, High Obedience, High Protection, High HOT, High IPO 3, and High in Trial earning her UDC high point all-around
Brandi Williams-Overton
Little Rock, AR
501-316-7887 masayadobermans@yahoo.com
Masaya Dobermans is willing to export / ship both domestically and internationally if possible to approved homes.
Brandi Williams-Overton has owned and trained Dobermans since 1997. She has worked and trained Dobermans in pet therapy, agility, obedience, and schutzhund. Cinders (aka Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya) was bred by Tammy Marshall-Weldon of Swift Run Dobermans (Thank you Tammy for this wonderful dog!). Masaya Dobermans only breeds occasionally. Masaya Dobermans strives to produce working Dobermans with stable loyal temperaments and good work ethic for Schutzhund (IPG), PSA, American Shutzhund (AS), obedience, search and resc agility, tracking, law enforcement, and protective home companions.
"We do not condone or support the breeding of the "White/Albino" Doberman as it is a genetic mutation with some serious physical consequences. Learn more here:
DPCA Albino Information Page |